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Saturday, November 12, 2011

5 Days Strong This Week

     So far this week I've been very productive. I've had 5 days of resistance training, 3 days of cardiovascular training and 6 days of flexibility training.  Even better yet: I'm going to get another workout in tomorrow!

     "How much is enough?"  I get this question all the time and the answer isn't as straight forward as it may seem.  Often times I can't give an accurate answer without asking some questions of my own:

What are your goals? 
What does achieving your goals mean to you? 
How much time are you willing to commit to exercise? 
What's at stake?

     After finding this out, the answer is simple: the more focused attention spent on achieving your goals, the better your chances of achieving them and the quicker you'll get there.

     With that being said, pay attention to your body and pay attention to your strength and stamina.  Rushing in head-first to a new exercise routine can easily backfire if you overtrain your body.  Generally, a good rule of thumb is to take a few days off and to change your routine if you see a decrease in performance by 15% or more for longer than 2 weeks.

     Some sure-fire minimums that you should shoot for each week are:

2 days of resistance training
3 days of cardiovascular training (30-60min)
Flexibility training after either resistance or cardiovascular training.

     Spend some time this weekend, determining what your goals are and what they mean to you.  Find the time to dedicate to exercise and I'll see you around the gym next week!

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