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Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Motivation

     What drives you?  Is it something external (fear of unemployment, etc...) or something from within (personal goals, aspirations, enjoyment, etc..)? Studies have shown time and time again that the best form of motivation is internal and not external.

     What does this mean? This means that the people who set their goals often achieve them and those who are told who the should be or what they should do, often don't get there.

     I challenge you this week to take time to think about what your goals are and where the pressure to achieve them comes from.  Is is something that you want because it will make you happier and healthier or is it something you "should do"?  Find the goals and explanations that are internally driven and stick to them.  These will help guide you and motivate you along the way.

     Find out those internal goals and I'll see you on the road to progress!

Stay strong,


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